Naming, branding design and art direction for Gray's Hall—or just "Gray's"—a natural wine bar in South Boston. The wine bar’s building was historically called Gray’s Hall, a community meeting place dating back to 1880. So when naming a new neighborhood joint with the same mission of bringing people together, reviving "Gray's Hall" seemed like the perfect choice. The branding aimed to feel inviting and familiar, with a hint of nostalgia in the typeface and initial caps as if it were the name of a friend's place. // Agency: Fair Folk / Role: Designer + Art Director / ACD: Sam Kelly / ECDs: Kevin Cimo + Jon Casey / Photos by Dave Shaw
Naming, branding design and art direction for Gray's Hall—or just "Gray's"—a natural wine bar in South Boston. The wine bar’s building was historically called Gray’s Hall, a community meeting place dating back to 1880. So when naming a new neighborhood joint with the same mission of bringing people together, reviving "Gray's Hall" seemed like the perfect choice. The branding aimed to feel inviting and familiar, with a hint of nostalgia in the typeface and initial caps as if it were the name of a friend's place. // Agency: Fair Folk / Role: Designer + Art Director / ACD: Sam Kelly / ECDs: Kevin Cimo + Jon Casey / Photos by Dave Shaw