Simply put, B.GOOD believes that food should be good for your body, good for the community, and good for the planet. These foundational beliefs inform everything they do, but needed to be articulated and demonstrated in a way that consumers could understand. This body of work was created to help B.GOOD tell their story. Their impact on the Boston community and dedication to responsible farming and sourcing is something to be proud of—and were stories I was personally excited to help tell. // Agency: Fair Folk / Role: Art Director + Designer / ECDs: Kevin Cimo + Jon Casey / Writer: Amanda Roberts / Filmed by Dave Shaw / photos by Dave Shaw, Jon Casey, and myself / Chalk Artist: Catherine Owens
Simply put, B.GOOD believes that food should be good for your body, good for the community, and good for the planet. These foundational beliefs inform everything they do, but needed to be articulated and demonstrated in a way that consumers could understand. This body of work was created to help B.GOOD tell their story. Their impact on the Boston community and dedication to responsible farming and sourcing is something to be proud of—and were stories I was personally excited to help tell. // Agency: Fair Folk / Role: Art Director + Designer / ECDs: Kevin Cimo + Jon Casey / Writer: Amanda Roberts / Filmed by Dave Shaw / photos by Dave Shaw, Jon Casey, and myself / Chalk Artist: Catherine Owens